Look at the companies settled in JVTP
LARX was founded for developing software for so called intelligent housing or home automatization (managing various home technologies through mobile application). The company develops upgrade for mobile applications of this system in a direct cooperation with an Austrian company – the only owner of a licence on the operating system LOXONE - for mobile managing of the intelligent houses.
Fiedler AMS
Fiedler AMS deals with production and development of electronics for hydrology, meteorology and environment protection. The company cooperates on research and development of new products with research organisations. Monitoring and measuring systems developed by Fiedler AMS are well established in the Czech Republic and thanks to its modularity have a potential to be applied in many other fields.
BCF ltd helps enterpises to achieve measureable improvements of their performance when maximising employees’ involvement and satisfaction using innovative methods of Holistic Management based on principles of working with so called live systems, Incentive-compatible regulation, corporate DNA, transformation processes from NLP and so on. BCF works with a unique concept connecting health and performance Health Tuning® to save performance focused persons (managers, sportsmen) before or after their burn-out. An integral part of the company portfolio is education part of the Competence Academy® aiming at training of managers, internal lecturer, professional couches and also cooperation in lectures and publishing activities at selected universities in the Czech Republic.
CZ.NIC is special-interest association of legal entities managing the Czech nationl domain – domain .cz. In České Budějovice was established branch of research and development department of CZ.NIC in 2014. Laboratories of CZ.NIC are established in four university cities and deal with research and software development in the field of communication technologies and the Internet: internet protocols, network traffic analysis, passive and active monitoring and hardware prototyping.
i2L Research
i2LResearch Ltd is international company with branches in Czechia, Great Britain, Spain and USA. The company deals with testing effectivity of biocides and products for plant control. The Czech branch is focused on testing insecticides, repellents and herbicides, but it is able to ensure complex services ranging from pest monitoring to studies of ecotoxicology and testing effectivity and registering products in the EU, USA and Canada. i2LResearch Ltd offers also in-vitro testing of anti-parasitic and disinfection preparations. The Czech branch is holder of GLP and GEP certifications.

Company Retorta ltd aims at development of new drug forms and systems suitable for application of biotechnologically active substances as recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies, water insoluble active substances and physically unstable active substances. The stimulus for the company establishing was more than 20 years of experience in the develpoment of pharmaceutical products for foreign companies in the US, the EU, Latin America, China, India and in Arabian countries.

Jan Vrána
This company deals with on-demand construction and production of technological devices focused on biotechnology applications while tightly cooperating with end users of these devices. Thanks to this cooperation, the technological device is produced precisely for the given application and thus favourable prices with maximum quality compliance are achieved.
VTP Agrien
Company B64 s.r.o. has installed so called smart energy point in JVTP. This technology consists of central energy storage (vanadium battery) and photovoltaic powerplant enabling utilisation of the sun energy over the whole day.
Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences - Department of Carbon Storage in the Landscape
This department deals among other things with realisation of the project Czechglobe, which objective is to establish research infrastructure enabling comprehensive research of the global climate change issues and related societal dimension. The results can be used by public administration in the environmental protection, regional planning and agriculture. The results might be valuable also for companies in forestry and agriculture, as well as in all industries for which quality of soil is important.
Regional Foof Cluster
Misson and objective of a cluster organisation is to develop entrepreneurial and other activities such as research and development and to provide services for the overall advancement of its members. The main vision for the next three years is to activate current members, and to find new ones having concerns about cooperation within the cluster organisation.

Dilen s.r.o. builds on a 20-years-long tradition, it deals with a development and production of anti-HLA sera, and since 1996 has prepared various ready plates for typing. More than 40 thousand various ready plates has been produced since that time.

Gemini PharmChem České Budějovice
This newly established company is part of a Swiss group Synbias Pharma A.G. producing active substances for drug manufacturers and oncological medicinal products. Well-equipped branch in České Budějovice deals with development of new galenical forms, screening of microorganisms and optimisation of fermentation processes.

This this company deals with building up and maintaining networks for the internet of things, and with producing devices for data gathering (chips). The main features of this network are long signal coverage of the base stations (to 40 km in open landscape, units of kilometres in a built-up area) and low energy demands of the devices. All network technologies applied by this company comes from their own development and production.
KAKTUS Software
The main activity of KAKTUS Software is developming and managing on-demand information systems, and developing and selling the HelpDesk Studion information system. The company has conceptually devoted to development of this system since its foundation until present days.
Firma NATURA IMUNECO, s.r.o. is a Czech company and it‘s main activity is production of the food supplement Vitestin® and research on it’s influence on inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, especially on Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, but also on idiopathic bowel diseases. The company works closely with patients who were diagnosed with these diseases.
This company deals with development of information systems in tha SAP environment.